
Highlights in Lhasa

  Follow monks, mendicants and fellow pilgrims around the
Barkhor, Lhasa’s fascinating medieval pilgrim circuit.
  Join the shuffling lines of awed pilgrims around the glowing
shrines of the Jokhang, Tibet’s holiest temple.
  Go down into the bowels of the Potala, the impressive but
spiritless citadel of the Dalai Lamas.
  Take in a prayer meeting or some monk-debating at Sera
and Drepung, two of the largest and most intact of Tibet’s great
  A day out to Ganden Monastery and test your sin on its
fascinating kora.
  Explore the traditional whitewashed architecture, teashops
and craft workshops of Lhasa’s backstreets on our Old
Town Walking Tour.
  Track down one of Lhasa’s off-the-beaten-track
temples, such as the Meru Nyingba Monastery or Tengye Ling.
  Get a taste of the northern Changtang at the turquoise
waters, snowy peaks and nomads’ tents of stunning high-altitude
Lake Namtso.
  Marvel at the turquoise waters of Yamdrok-tso, one of
Tibet’s most sacred lakes.

